Orange Fridays

You might think “casual Fridays” are the best thing since sliced bread. But what if I were to tell you we have “Orange Fridays” at our lab, where lab members focus solely on debugging Orange software and making improvements to existing features. This is because the new developing version of Orange (3.0) still needs certain widgets to be implemented, such as net explorer, radviz, and survey plot.

But there’s more. We are currently hosting an expert on data fusion from the University of Leuven, prof. dr. Yves Moreau, to discuss new venues and niches for the development of Orange. The big debate is how to scale the program to fit large data sets and make it possible to process such sets in a shorter period of time. If you have any ideas and suggestions, please feel free to share them on our community forum.

prof. dr. Yves Moreau - Prioritization of candidate disease genes and drug—target interactions by genomic data fusion